A very personal storm hit my life a few months ago. My health was in dire need of immediate attention, so much so that a trip to the emergency was necessitated. A triage nurse assessed the situation and within seconds arranged for me to go immediately through the “Do not enter” doors and into a hub of activity. Nurses and doctors were busily treating other emergencies, but one of those special people took care of me immediately. After several hours of tests and scans the doctor ordered treatment and I went home.
Five days later I felt so ill while out with my husband I had to ask him to take me back to the hospital. We were hardly in the door when I slumped over and passed out. I came to with a nurse putting an IV in my arm. Through all of this my awareness of the one who sees all was heightened. I prayed for His healing hand upon me. These episodes caused me to take stock of my life and I realized I had said “yes” too many times to requests to do this that and the other.
As Christians we can become so concerned about pleasing people, we forget to listen to His voice and our intent is be a people pleaser rather than a God pleaser. With nudging from the Lord I stepped down from all ministries, commitments and speaking engagements. I might add the latter with some reluctance, But I clearly understood I must relinquish all and rest. Now fully recovered I’m walking softly with my Lord and paying attention to His direction for my life.